Washington DC events

Dear friends,

I’ll be in Washington DC this week, participating in the presentation of the report “From Survivors to Defenders: Women Confronting Violence in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala“. This is the report on the delegation of women earlier this year, led by Nobel Peace Prize laureates Jody Williams and Rigoberta Menchu and organized by the Nobel Women’s Initiative and Just Associates (JASS).

If you’re in the Washington DC area, join us for the launch!

WHEN: June 4th, 2012 6pm-8pm WHERE: United States Institute of Peace 2301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC

Panelists include Nobel Peace Laureate Jody Williams, human rights defenders Blanca Martinez from Mexico and Gilda Rivera from Honduras, and Laura Carlsen, Director of the Americas Program in Mexico City.

Also join us for a brown bag lunch and informal discussion at the CIP office, June 7 at noon to discuss the findings of the delegation on violence against women and Mexico’s war on drugs, elections, student movement, etc.

WHEN: June 7th, 2012 noon WHERE: 1717 Massachusetts Ave NM, Washington DC Contact: (202) 232-3317

Please spread the word and I hope to see some of you at the events.