Category: Food Sovereignty

Mazorcas de maíz de diversos colores trenzadas desde sus totomoxtles

U.S. Profits vs. Mexican Maize

The United States government is trying to force Mexico to continue importing genetically modified corn, despite proven negative impacts on health and the environment

Maya Villagers Resist Mega Hog Farms in Yucatán

More than 220 mega hog farms operate in the Yucatan territory, wreaking havoc on water reserves, traditional agriculture, food sovereignty and territorial control by local communities. This industry relies on exports and

Native leadership, key to open climate justice door

With the release in April of the report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the time is ripe to celebrate a breakthrough by Indigenous Peoples in participation on the scientific advisory

People’s Proposals in the Global Village

At the Global Village of Alternatives, dozens of grassroots organizations from countries all around the world present their arguments for stronger efforts to stop climate change and offer ground-up solutions based on