A March 8th in Honduras: a Breath of Justice
We, feminists, celebrate, because however, we took another step, we advanced and with us, generations, hundreds of women and men, who will have ways out of the violence and will know that
We, feminists, celebrate, because however, we took another step, we advanced and with us, generations, hundreds of women and men, who will have ways out of the violence and will know that
Only ten days after assuming the presidency after winning the ballot with 55.7% of the votes, the libertarian liberal Javier Milei signed a Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU). In this article
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights analyzes the case of Beatriz, a young woman who was denied the possibility of terminating her pregnancy by the State of El Salvador because her life
Gaza City has been practically wiped off the map. Israeli attacks focused on hospitals, which also serve as shelters for the displaced and bombed population, and other civilian targets have led to
A few weeks before the first round of elections in Argentina, the far right is ahead in the polls with candidate Javier Milei. Julia Muriel Dominzain of MIRA: Feminisms and Democracies interviews
In her book Talking Back, Feminist Thinking, Black Thinking, bell hooks talks about how often ‘feminist women (many of whom are white) say they want to hear women who until now haven’t
El Programa de las Américas transita hacia MIRA. Feminismos y democracias.
Nuestro comunicado.
On August 5 and 6, 2023, 181 women delegates and councilwomen of the CIG-CNI, 27 girls and boys, 14 comrades and 7 support comrades from the Afro-Mestizo, Afro-Mexican, Binni Zaa, Chol, Chontal,
March 8 in Mexico is not only a show of strength and convening power for women’s movements, but also an opportunity to see how the movement is changing with the times.
Although we still have a long way to go and we continue to be one of the countries with the highest rates of femicide in the world, this is a step forward.