We’re live! Audio Americas

Laura Carlsen appeared on Democracy Now! discussing the human rights implications and Security and Prosperity Partnership in relation to Plan Mexico/Merida Initiative.
Watch or listen to the show at:

Listen to Laura Carlsen interviewed in the radio documentary Fighting FTAs: a global review of people’s struggles against bilateral free trade and investment agreements at: http://www.fightingftas.org/spip.php?article144.

Laura Carlsen discusses Plan Mexico and recent happenings in Latin America on KPFA. Listen to the interesting interview at: http://kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=27190.

Check out our latest interview, Laura Carlsen on Plan Mexico: http://www.radio4all.net/pub/files/knash@igc.org/123-1-20080302-planmexicontl.mp3.

Laura Carlsen appeared on the show "Drugs, Corruption, and Violence South of the Border," on NPR’s To the Point on May 20th. Listen to the whole show here: http://www.kcrw.com/news/programs/tp/tp080520drugs_corruption_and.



Crossing the Medicine Line

About 21 million people become climate refugees annually, from the big storms and droughts, and by 2050, 1.2 billion people


Latin America will be all feminist!

March 8, International Women’s Day (IWD), serves as a barometer of the strength of feminist and women’s movements, especially in