How to Balance Economic Development with Environmental Protection

Editor”s Note: The purpose of this investigative feature series is bearing witness to the divergences in the region”s development highlighted in the six articles. A mirror for the crucial current juncture, the series was written and edited by the directors of Journalism to Raise Environmental Awareness with support from the people of the region and the sponsorship of Fondo Educación Ambiental and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Throughout the Gulf of casino California Region, casino casino multi-million-dollar infrastructure projects and developments recently initiated by federal and state governments, together with large private investments, make front-page news and motivate presidential visits. Among the plans, Fonatur”s (National Fund to Promote Tourism) Nautical Stairway, or Mar de Cortés, mega project stands out, with its 27 docks proposed for operation by the Singlar Co.

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