Day of the Dead in Oaxaca

Dear friends,
At this moment the Mexican Federal Police are trying to retake the University in Oaxaca, where protestors have a stronghold and have been
operating a radio station crucial to their movement. The fighting is
fierce-the police are launching tear gas from the ground and from
helicopters (it was impact from gas grenades that killed at least one
protestor in past days), and using high pressure water hoses on tanks to
beat back the people. They are entering private houses and people fear the
kind of vengeance attacks as seen in Atenco earlier this year. The
determination and resistance of the APPO is strong though, and they have
called out sympathizers to join them. Radio APPO continues to broadcast a
blow-by-blow account. Please take the time to send a message to President
Fox (in English or Spanish, see contact info below) to CEASE THE
REPRESSION IMMEDIATELY and calling for the resignation of the governor of
Oaxaca, Ulises Ruiz.

Presidente Vicente Fox Quesada
Phone: 52 552 789 1100 / Fax: 52 555 277 2376

Licenciado Carlos Abascal Carranza, Secretario de Gobernación
Fax: +52 (55) 5093 3414

Copy to Newspapers:

Today, November 1, is the Day of the Dead. It’s the day that Mexicans flock to the cemeteries to visit family members that have passed on. Or if you believe the traditions, to wait for the dead to visit them.

This year among the dead are 17 people killed in Oaxaca. They are dead because they dared to challenge a political and economic system that bound them to poverty and powerlessness. Most were assassinated by forces affiliated with the state governor, Ulises Ruiz. Some, whose blood has still not dried, were murdered by federal police sent in



Argentines March Against Fascism

More than one million people protested and marched against President Javier Milei’s racist, anti-feminist and particularly anti-LGBTQI+ rhetoric on Feb.